Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days

Ah, I’ve reached the end of my blogging challenge. I might have failed in keeping up with the challenge for 30 straight days, but taking on this challenge has also kicked start a fun blogging challenge fever with fellow bloggies here, here, here and here. Now that’s a good thing!

Second good thing, I finally have a passport. Looking forward to have it stamped! Where to go first?

Third good thing? December. It has always been a special month for me because it’s always about love, sharing, giving, blessings, family and happiness.

Have a Merry Christmas, y’all! 🙂

Day 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing

Blog-hopping. Internet surfing.

Seriously. The internet’s chock-full of blogs by creative, fun, interesting, inspiring and really chic people I could spend a good lazy day hopping from one blog to another. My top favorite? Chuvaness‘ blog. It’s a daily indulgence. Haha.

And don’t get me started on those style/fashion and decorating/design websites! *drool*

Day 27 – A picture of you last year and now and how have you changed since then?

December last year. Back when my dear digicam was still alive and snapping photos. Taken during a wedding after-party with family friends at Highway 30. Haven’t had a night out in so long and it was a real treat to be out and about in a pretty dress, enjoying frozen blue margaritas and laughter and having a grand time with close family friends I haven’t seen (and partied with) for some time.

Today’s mug shot from my netbook, Chuck’s webcam because my digicam is already in deep coma. No parties. No nightouts. Nights are for sleep/study/Supernatural/Chuck/Fringe/movie marathons. Mostly sleep. Haha. And I’m wearing a freaking sparkly headband. I feel like a princess (in a King of Spades shirt, haha).

Oh, and last year I was a bum posing as a student. LOL. This year, I’m a student enjoying her own office room. Haha.