Day 25 – What’s in your purse?

My default purse of late is this brown shoulder bag I found while rummaging through old bags. Haha. I forgot I even had this. I don’t care if it looks like a lola’s purse because it sure can hold a lot. There’s my almond hand cream which I can’t get enough of (it just smells so yummy), BB cream and the BB (haha), pressed powder, pen, coin purse, card holder, shades, lip balm and cologne. I couldn’t find my alcohol spray, so it’s out of the photo.

What’s in your purse?

Day 23 – 15 facts about you

The gruesome facts. LOL.

I am a twenty-seven year old moody Cancerian coffee addict who loves the beach. I am a sucker for pretty pairs of shoes on sale and cheap book finds at Book Sale. I love rock music and hate loud and cheesy jeepney music. I’m a fraidy-cat and a pack rat. I dislike cats and I’m completely, utterly and extremely terrified of rats even though I grew up watching Tom and Jerry. I’m not kidding.